Safely reopening during Covid-19

The Government has published guidelines for business to begin reopening during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The 5 step plan recommends the following

  1. Work from home when possible
  2. Carry out Covid-19 risk assessment
  3. Maintain 2 meters social distancing where possible
  4. When social distancing is not possible, manage transmission risk
  5. Reinforce cleaning processes

We have created business-friendly packs with No-germs hygiene product to help you manage transmission risk among your staff.

Click to Buy business-friendly packs with No-germs


The rapid spread of Coronavirus

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (USA) is the authority for most of the information below:


The rapid spread of Coronavirus

The virus is most likely spread in the air (i):

– by coughing and sneezing
– touching or shaking hands or other close personal contact.
– touching a surface or object with the virus on it, then touching your face. Most negatively your mouth, nose, or eyes.

It has also been reported that it may spread by fecal contamination (ii). Though how common this way of the virus spreading is less well known.

Recent studies have shown that the virus can live for up to 9 days on surfaces (iii)

It is not yet clear how easily the virus is spreading between individuals.  There are ongoing studies on transmissibility.


Cold, Flu, or Coronavirus?What’s the difference?

The initial symptoms for the Coronavirus 2019-nCoV, are very similar to a common cold or flu.

Most common Coronavirus symptoms can include (iv):

  • Shortness of Breath
  • Aching muscles
  • Dry cough
  • Fatigue
  • Fever

Less typical coronavirus symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Phlegm buildup
  • Coughing up blood- or blood-stained mucus

Most importantly, symptoms that are not typical for coronavirus:

  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat

It is most likely that those who have bouts of sneezing and sniffles have the flu or common cold, attendant with a runny nose and sore throat another sign of a respiratory infection. One difference is that the new Coronavirus generally affects the lower respiratory tract, which results in a dry cough and shortness of breath or pneumonia, but not a sore throat.

Some infected persons show no symptoms at all initially.

Many of those infected with the new virus initially showed no symptoms. It is currently believed the new virus has an incubation period of 14 days. (v)

If you are concerned about what you have contacted you should contact a medical professional.  They can have a phlegm analysis done to determine the virus.  It is possible they will instruct you not to visit their offices, but will arrange for a sample to be collected.


Protecting yourself and your family from the Coronavirus (vi)

  • Do what you can to prevent anyone from being exposed to the virus.
  • Stay away from sick people
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands
  • Wash your hands with soap and water as often as you interact with others or new environments where the virus may be on any surface
  • Disinfect any objects or areas that might be exposed or have been exposed to carriers of the virus.
  • Do not interact with others when you are sick.
  • Cover your mouth when you sneeze, with a tissue if possible. Then dispose of the tissue properly.

Equally important if you develop any of the above symptoms, report to your doctor by phone initially to let them know of your prior travel and your symptoms.They will instruct you on how to care for yourself and where help is available, without exposing anyone else to the virus.


Does your NO-GERMS kill the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)?

The above virus is a new strain of the virus.  We have performed the En14476 test against viruses, including earlier strains of coronaviruses, and show efficacy in 60 seconds, with ongoing action against viruses for 60 minutes. However, it is not currently possibly to test against the SARS-CoV-2 strain of the virus.

As noted above the authorities, both the CDC, the World Health Organization and the NHS specifically advise people to wash their hands with Soap and Water or use a hand sanitizer to prevent the spread of this virus. (vii)

NO-GERMS is an alcohol free hand sanitizer, but kills 99.9% of germs for 2-4 hours with actives that remain on the skin to kill viruses and germs, unlike alcohol which stops working the moment it dries on the skin.

Equally, it is recommended to clean surfaces with a good quality disinfectant. (viii) NO-GERMS Fresh and Clean use actives that have been specifically targeted to kill viruses on surfaces and are currently used in NHS hospitals for this purpose.


Please refer to the NHS website at: and/or the WHO website at and/or the CDC website at for additional information.